Monday, December 1, 2008


I live on the East coast in Massachusetts, where tonight, we are seeing Venus and Jupiter in a small group. The sight from Australia, I hear, is that they are arranged like a smiley face. How nice, to see a smiley face in the sky. Does that say something about the changes the world is about to take? I like to believe, YES. I think that there is a dramatic change about to take place in the world and smiley faces will be on the people mostly thought of, as losers. Funny thing is, it is the so called "losers" that will be shining soon. It is the so called "losers" that know what is about to take place. Why? Because they are the only people looking for the change. They are the people that are closer to the knowledge of what is about to take place. Wouldn't that be funny? The losers will be who everyone goes to for the answers.